
Shops & Amenities

Open 7 days a week, Baldivis shopping centre has a variety of shops including Coles, Kmart and Woolworths. Located on Safety Bay Road there are regular buses to the shopping centre and ample parking for those choosing to drive.

Brightwood 29

Cafes and Restaurants

There are plenty of cafes and restaurants located in and around Baldivis. A full list of local eateries can be found here.

The closest to Brightwood include Brother of Mine, an award winning cafe with variety of snacks and meals, and, Catalano & Co Baldivis, a casual italian dining restaurant open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner with BYO wine.

Why Brightwood

Local amenity

The nearest medical centre to Brightwood is The Ridge Baldivis Medical Centre with Baldivis Medical Centre just a short drive. Fiona Stanley is located just 35 minutes from Brightwood.

For those who want to be close to family in aged care facilities there is future aged care located just 5 minutes from Brightwood.

Thanh profile

Thanh Nguyen

Phone: 0414 288 165
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Alexis profile

Alexis Buckley-Carr

Phone: 0411 618 906
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required

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